The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my experience with Bountiful Baskets. I will do price comparisons every other week, plus share recipes and tips for using the produce.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Brazilian Lemonade (with limes)

Don’t ask me why Brazilian Lemonade is made with limes.  I’m not Brazilian.  (Sometimes I wish I was, so that I could Samba better.)  It is, however, super tasty.
This recipe made just barely enough to serve to my family of six at dinner.  You could easily half it if you need less.  Or you could just make the full recipe and save the rest for later.  That’s what I would do if I had leftovers.  I was kind of sad when it was gone.

5 limes
6 cups water
3/4 cup sugar
6 Tbsp sweetened condensed milk

Wash the limes.  Cut the ends off of them and then quarter them.  If you are using big limes, you should probably cut them into 1/8th pieces.  Do not peel them!  You want the zest out of the peel, not just the juice out of the middle.  Put the pieces into a blender along with the water.  Pulse it a few times.  Basically, you want it to end up with small pieces of limes, but it shouldn’t be thick like a smoothie.  Pour it all through a fine strainer to get the chunks out.  Pour it back into the blender and add the sugar and sweetened condensed milk.  Blend it up until it all incorporated and frothy.  Serve over ice.

If you wanted to make this a frozen drink, you could add the ice to the blender and blend it all up.  My blender was at its capacity with six cups of water, so ours was on the rocks.

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