The purpose of this blog is to keep track of my experience with Bountiful Baskets. I will do price comparisons every other week, plus share recipes and tips for using the produce.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Smoothies 101

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I can’t think of a better way to use up fruit (I seriously just typed “froot”) and vegetables than to make smoothies.  There really isn’t a wrong way to do it and I think just about any combination of fruit would taste good.  Here is the basic recipe.

Fruit- ideally frozen, but not totally necessary
Greens of some sort – spinach or kale (optional)
liquid of some sort – juice, water or milk
sweetener (optional)
protein – yogurt, peanut butter or protein powder (optional)
ice cubes – if you didn’t use frozen fruit
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(Frozen blueberries, bananas, strawberries, kale and orange juice)

There are two options for fruit.  You can use frozen fruit and omit the ice, or you can use fresh fruit and ice cubes.  This morning, I used frozen strawberries, frozen bananas and blueberries.  I have used mango, raspberries and peaches with success.  I really don’t think you can go wrong here.

I like adding something green, like spinach or kale.  You really can’t taste it, but it sneaks in a serving of vegetables.  I have been using kale lately, since that came in our last baskets.  I pull the leaves off of the hard stem and put them in the blender.  I use about a cup.  If I’m using spinach, I use a couple of handfuls. 

If you do not have a super powerful blender, like a Vitamix or a Blendtec, do not despair.  I don’t have one of those and I can still do the green stuff.  Just add your greens with the liquid and blend them up pretty well before adding the fruit.  It will be smooth when you are all done.

If you are not using greens, or you have a mega-blender, just throw everything in together.  If you have already blended up your greens, add everything else now.

I have been using water for a long time because I didn’t want to add more calories.  I used orange juice this morning for a change and I liked it, too.  You just have to experiment to see what you like.

Sweetener is optional, but tasty.  I used a splash of maple syrup this morning and I like it.  You could use a little sugar or agave, if you’re fancy like that.  Or you can leave it out entirely.  When I use milk as my liquid, I like to add a tablespoon of Nesquik powder.  Yum!

As far as protein goes, a lot of people use yogurt.  Both greek and plain yogurt are especially high in protein, so I tend to use those.  The most brilliant thing I have done concerning yogurt was to buy a big tub on clearance and freeze it in mini muffin tins.  Start by spraying it with cooking spray, then spoon a tablespoon or so into each cup.  Put them into the freezer and just pop them out when they are solid.  Put them in a freezer bag or bowl and freeze again until you need them.  Unfrozen yogurt works great, too.  You can even experiment with flavors if you want.

Protein powder is another option.  You can buy tubs of it anywhere.  I have tried a few brands and don’t really have a favorite, but I have noticed that Jillian Michael’s has a very distinct artificial sweetener taste.  I only bought it once and that was enough for me.  These powders usually have a hundred calories or more per scoop, so pay attention to the label if you are calorie conscious.

Once you have everything in there, blend it up.  If it is too thick, add more liquid,  If it is too thin, add ice or more fruit.  You will be surprised at how fast everything adds up to make a massive smoothie, so start with small amounts of everything.  You will also be surprised at how fast the calories add up, even though they are all worthy ingredients. 

There you have it.  Now go put Smoothie King out of business and save a bundle by making them yourselves.

I know posts are always better with pictures, but I just keep forgetting to take some.  I’ll try to remember to take some next time, but don’t be surprised if I forget.

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